Monday, August 6, 2007

Yankee Logo - Next version

Based on the initial feedback from the Yankee community, the logo a majority of people liked was #5 and I had a few revisions made to it to clean it up.

Let us know how you like each version and all comments are appreciated.


Yankee Board


Unknown said...

I like #1.

Coach M. said...

#2 Rocks

TurtleBomb13 said...

Maybe i'm remembering incorrectly, but wasn't #5 the one that had kind of a Bud Light logo look to it? A big red/blue oval around the words Yankee Volleyball with a multi colored ball?

If i'm correct then this is a very big revision and personally i don't like any of the new choices. None of these are very eye catching or inspirational.

Any chance you can show the original along with the revisions? Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I think I like #2 better.

Marc Fernandez said...

This is a big change from the last one. #5 was like a bottle logo, not necessary bud light but close to that kinda concept. It also represented a nice bumper sticker kinda look.

These are not bad... # 2 with the colors are great. But then I think cost for T-Shirts etc. 1 color is easier for t-shirts. The 2 color is better but costly. Also 2 color does look good for stickers.

Overall I still like the # 5 old design better. Anyway we can clean that one up and re-present it with these 3?

joshua said...

i agree w/ marc and turtle... bring back the badge... also, what's the thought behind the little indent in the "Y" - I don't necessarily like or dislike it, just more curious.

Unknown said...

I like 2, but I don't really like the chip in the Y and V.

Justin said...

I vote #2