Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Maine Volleyball Tournaments

Below you'll find a list of the remaining sand doubles tournaments being
hosted at Hunts Hill Volleyball in Gray, Maine. We're near Portland and
love to have "folks from away play in our events."


Remaining Hunts Hill Volleyball Tournaments Summer 2008

Sun. June 29 Reverse Coed 2s A and BB
Sat. July 12 Coed 2s A and BB
Sat. July 26 High School Girls 2s or 3s OPEN
Sun. July 27 Women's/Men's 2s A and BB
Sat. Aug. 9 Reverse Coed 2s A and BB
Sun. Sept. 7 Coed 2s A and BB

All tourneys are $35 in advance and $45 on the day of the tourney.

1 comment:

sAn said...

For over 25 years, Steamboat Doubles has reigned as one of Colorodo's premier volleyball tournaments. With 12 different divisions and well over 300 teams in attendance, Steamboat is the second largest tournament in Colorado, one of the largest events in the country and "must play" on the Colorado Mountain Tourney Circuit. Make your plans early...with the Hot Air Balloon Festival, Arts and Crafts Fair and Rodeo also in town, rooms sell out early. We look forward to seeing you the week after July 4th each summer for an awesome weekend of volleyball in the heart of the Colorado Rockies.

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