Thursday, December 20, 2007

Volleyball During the Holidays

The 2008 Spring Schedule should be released shortly and make sure to get some volleyball in during the holidays. There are tournaments this coming weekend at CCRIL and after Christmas as well.

Visit to register for a tournaments.
23-Dec Y    M     C-   CCRIL  $150   5      9:00    R Deangelis
23-Dec Y W C- CCRIL $150 5 9:00 R Deangelis
23-Dec Y CR C+ CCRIL $160 10 9:00 R DeangelisBR

30-Dec Y RCO B CCRIL $150 10 9:00 D Levesque BR
30-Dec Y RCO C CCRIL $150 10 9:00 D Levesque

5-Jan Y M A BRY $150 4 9:00 J Mytro
5-Jan Y M C+ BRY $150 6 9:00 J Mytro
5-Jan Y M C- CTSC $150 10 9:00 J Phillips
5-Jan Y W A BRY $150 5 9:00 J Mytro
5-Jan Y W B WHC-H $150 5 9:00 B Read
5-Jan Y W C+ WHC-C $150 10 9:00 B Read
5-Jan Y W C- CTSC $150 10 9:00 J Phillips
6-Jan Y RCO A WHC-H $150 10 9:00 B Read BR
6-Jan Y RCO B- WHC-C $150 5 9:00 B Read BR
6-Jan Y CR C SDVC $160 10 9:00 K Cummings BR

12-Jan Y RCO B WHC-C $150 10 9:00 B Read BR
13-Jan U M A/AA WNA $150 10 9:00 L Nelson
13-Jan Y M B- REG $150 10 9:00 K Murphy
13-Jan U W A/AA CCRIL $150 10 9:00 M Hutchinson
13-Jan Y W C+ WNA $150 5 9:00 L Nelson
13-Jan Y CR C+ CCRIL $160 10 9:00 M Hutchinson BR

19-Jan Y M B- LSHS $150 5 9:00 J Katalina
19-Jan Y RCO B WHC-C $150 10 9:00 B Read BR
19-Jan Y CR C LSHS $160 10 9:00 J Katalina
20-Jan U M A/AA WHC-C $150 10 9:00 B Read
20-Jan Y M C+ REG $150 10 9:00 K Murphy
20-Jan U W A/AA WNA $150 10 9:00 L Nelson
20-Jan Y W B- JWU $150 10 9:00 J Marcoux
20-Jan Y W C+ WNA $150 5 9:00 L Nelson
20-Jan Y W C- WHC-H $150 5 9:00 B Read

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