Thursday, December 20, 2007

Volleyball During the Holidays

The 2008 Spring Schedule should be released shortly and make sure to get some volleyball in during the holidays. There are tournaments this coming weekend at CCRIL and after Christmas as well.

Visit to register for a tournaments.
23-Dec Y    M     C-   CCRIL  $150   5      9:00    R Deangelis
23-Dec Y W C- CCRIL $150 5 9:00 R Deangelis
23-Dec Y CR C+ CCRIL $160 10 9:00 R DeangelisBR

30-Dec Y RCO B CCRIL $150 10 9:00 D Levesque BR
30-Dec Y RCO C CCRIL $150 10 9:00 D Levesque

5-Jan Y M A BRY $150 4 9:00 J Mytro
5-Jan Y M C+ BRY $150 6 9:00 J Mytro
5-Jan Y M C- CTSC $150 10 9:00 J Phillips
5-Jan Y W A BRY $150 5 9:00 J Mytro
5-Jan Y W B WHC-H $150 5 9:00 B Read
5-Jan Y W C+ WHC-C $150 10 9:00 B Read
5-Jan Y W C- CTSC $150 10 9:00 J Phillips
6-Jan Y RCO A WHC-H $150 10 9:00 B Read BR
6-Jan Y RCO B- WHC-C $150 5 9:00 B Read BR
6-Jan Y CR C SDVC $160 10 9:00 K Cummings BR

12-Jan Y RCO B WHC-C $150 10 9:00 B Read BR
13-Jan U M A/AA WNA $150 10 9:00 L Nelson
13-Jan Y M B- REG $150 10 9:00 K Murphy
13-Jan U W A/AA CCRIL $150 10 9:00 M Hutchinson
13-Jan Y W C+ WNA $150 5 9:00 L Nelson
13-Jan Y CR C+ CCRIL $160 10 9:00 M Hutchinson BR

19-Jan Y M B- LSHS $150 5 9:00 J Katalina
19-Jan Y RCO B WHC-C $150 10 9:00 B Read BR
19-Jan Y CR C LSHS $160 10 9:00 J Katalina
20-Jan U M A/AA WHC-C $150 10 9:00 B Read
20-Jan Y M C+ REG $150 10 9:00 K Murphy
20-Jan U W A/AA WNA $150 10 9:00 L Nelson
20-Jan Y W B- JWU $150 10 9:00 J Marcoux
20-Jan Y W C+ WNA $150 5 9:00 L Nelson
20-Jan Y W C- WHC-H $150 5 9:00 B Read

Monday, December 17, 2007

2007 Rick Pierce Awards

Through his hard work and sportsmanship on the court, and his dedication to
the sport of volleyball through coaching, organizing and voluntary work,
Rick Pierce was known as one of New England's Elite in the volleyball
community. Rick lost his life in a tragic car accident while driving home
from a NE Regional tournament in April of 1987.

Each year the Rick Pierce Tournament is held in Memory of Rick and an Award
goes to 2 members of the volleyball community that exemplify the
characteristics that made Rick so Special:

-Great Sportsmanship
-Well Respected Player
-Volunteers time to the sport without need for compensation or recognition.

*********Quoting Laura Gleason's presentation at MIT on Saturday*********

Male Recipient

This years Rick Pierce male recipient is an individual with the kind of
character that people would love to have. He is extremely level headed and
unbiased on the volleyball court. He is honest without question... calling
his own net violations, balls that are in or out- even if it costs his team
the game or match.

He is a genuine man and has a passion for both the sport and the people he
plays with. While he has markedly improved his skills over the years he
continues to play with and support all of the friends that he originally
started playing with. He stresses the importance of trying your best and
playing hard ­ it is not just about winning.

He is certainly not a loud man and never draws attention to himself.... he
is a guy that works undercover. With a steady, approachable personality he
supports teammates and opponents alike. At Nationals, he has been known to
shake hands with opponents that have beaten his team, have conversations
with and even support those opponents later in the tournament. , We have
seen opponents watch and cheer him on as a result of this.

He is truly a joy to play with and against, and I personally feel he is a
wonderful, genuine man.

I am very please to present this year¹s male recipient of the Rick Pierce



Female Recipient

This year¹s female Rick Pierce recipient has been playing in the area for
quite a number of years. She began her love of the sport at a local high
school, continuing on with a local Juniors program, then played college club
ball where she played on both the women¹s and men¹s club teams.

She has been instrumental in coordinating organized women¹s volleyball teams
in the area, starting one of the leading club teams in the north east, which
has been going strong since 1994. This club has frequently sponsored
multiple women¹s teams in the same season, and has been a staple in nearly
every higher level womens¹ tournament since farther back than even I can

She has played with her closest friends on this club team for over a decade,
and has played reverse doubles with her husband for nearly twenty years ­
something only a select few can manage.

She has been involved in numerous clinics and currently works with a local
youth volleyball program. She is a great combination of a fierce
competitor, and one that can leave it on the court when the game is over.
She is truly someone who loves the sport for the right reasons.

She has played in every Rick Pierce tournament for the last fifteen years,
and it is my pleasure to present this year¹s female Rick Pierce recipient:


Monday, December 10, 2007 Videos from Turks

The following videos are from the Turks vacation from Oct 27th-Nov3 2007. More videos will be posted shortly.

Hitting Clinic - Dec 16th

Advanced Hitting Clinic from
Level: Yankee C or higher
Men's and women's nets
Sunday, December 16, 9:30am-12:00 p.m.
West Newton Armory
Tom Wilson, head clinician

NOTE: This is a MORNING clinic, 9:30am-12:00 p.m.

Pre-register by 5pm the Friday to get the best price: $25 for BSSC
members (non-members pay an additional $10).

Walk-on space is sometimes available for $40, regardless of BSSC

To Register, contact Laura at or 617.789.4070.

Womens Rating Updates

Womens re-rates as of Dec 7th 2007

Deidre Williams B-
Meghan Farrell C+
Lisa Tuttle C-
Heather Abramo C+
Elizabeth Wright C+
Sheila Jonesy C
Beth Rountree C
Sophia McCarthy C
Stephanie Oliveira C-
Molly Coeling C+
Jessica DeGrace C+
Katie Spriegel C
Hannah Johnson C+
Ly Ngyen C-
Sarah Johnson C+
Karen Gates B-
Vicky Moran A-
Lisa Hicks B
Danielle Rogers B
Megan Pulvermacher B-
Khimmara Greer C+
Davila Menezes C
Kelsey Loche C+

Kimchi Tran C+
Amy Yeh B-
Fanny Lee C+
Nicolette Fabbroni B-
Kristen Hoffman B-
Amy Letourneau B-

Kelsey Loche C+
Sochi Tauch B-
Mina Baban B-
Ivana Bunatove C+
Lisa Furlong C
Jen Ferreira C+
Yvette Battles B+
Kelsey Schmidt C+
Kathy Riley B
Sara Chan B-
Pam Comey B-
Ashley Trudeau B-
Ashley Norley C+

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Pictures from Brenda Freise Tournament

Check out for pictures form the Brenda Freise memorial Coed B and C+ tournaments hosted this past weekend at CCRIL.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

December Tournaments

1-Dec M A/AA WHC-C $150
1-Dec M B- MIT $150
1-Dec M C CTSC $150
1-Dec W A WHC-H $150
1-Dec W B- MIT $150
1-Dec W C+ CTSC $150
1-Dec W C MIT $150
2-Dec CR B CCRIL $125
2-Dec CR C+ CCRIL $125
2-Dec CR C- SDVC $160

8-Dec M B BRY $150
8-Dec M C- SDVC $150
8-Dec W B- BRY $150
9-Dec M A LSC $135
9-Dec M C LSHS $20PP
9-Dec CR B JWU $160
9-Dec W C LSHS $20PP
9-Dec RCO C LSHS $20PP

15-Dec M AA MIT $160 Rick Pierce Annual
15-Dec M C LSHS $150
15-Dec W AA MIT $160 Rick Pierce Annual
15-Dec W C LSHS $150
16-Dec M A/BB MIT $160 Rick Pierce Annual
16-Dec M C+ CCRIL $150
16-Dec W B- CCRIL $150
16-Dec W C+ LSC $135

23-Dec M C- CCRIL $150
23-Dec W C- CCRIL $150
23-Dec CR C+ CCRIL $160

30-Dec RCO B CCRIL $150
30-Dec RCO C CCRIL $150

5-Jan M A BRY $150
5-Jan M C+ BRY $150
5-Jan M C- CTSC $150
5-Jan W A BRY $150
5-Jan W B WHC-H $150
5-Jan W C+ WHC-C $150
5-Jan W C- CTSC $150
6-Jan M B REG $150
6-Jan RCO A WHC-H $150
6-Jan RCO B- WHC-C $150
6-Jan CR C SDVC $160

Board Minutes - Nov 19th 207

LOCATION: Lasell College, Gym, Room 101


END TIME: 10:45

Next board meeting: 12/17 6pm at Lasell (Gym, room 101)

Followed by Draft 7:30

Attendees: Samantha Lampert, Jonah Mytro, Jeff Sinnamon, Jeffry Powell, Mark Archibald, Lynn Kerr, Daniel Chen

Absent: Jay Flynn, Chuck Blake

Guests: Joe Martin, Mark Robarts, Jay Carroll, Chet Oberhelman, Hayson Group President/CEO Tracy West, VP John Slattery

Open Bid

  • Hayson Group: Tracy West, John Slattery
    • Powerpoint handout
    • Hayson Group would be the liason to USAV
    • Help cover costs for USAV to host the open “in Boston”
    • With USAV permission, extend sponsorship to make the Open more of an event
  • Jay Carroll – Review of Handouts
  • Jonah – Board will review information and discuss


· Treasurer Report - None

· Registrar’s Report

    • 700 members signed up so far this year

· NERVA Report - None

· Ratings Report

    • Helen’s doing a great job with the women
    • Jonah has appointed new co-head men’s raters
      • Mark Archibald (B- and below)
      • Mark Robarts (B and above)

· Newsletter/Email/Blog Report

    • Collecting email addresses for the mailing list.
    • Newsletter: One a month; one went out today
    • 638 people signed up for the newsletter
    • Blog: updated couple times a week

· Web Editor Report

  • On-line Referee clinics for our region and one other are up.
    • A third is on the way.
  • All of the on-line referee and scorekeeper tests for USAV being used.
  • Problems with the roster system and the new membership registration system are still popping up. Jim Cirillo and Tom have made some changes to the system to hopefully ease that.
    • The biggest is making the roster system a two step process. First you register the team with only the team contact info. You then enter the roster at a second visit.
    • We also put together a little script to ping all captains Monday morning asking them to update their rosters for the coming weekend. If they don't do so by Wednesday and they've not updated the roster in more than two weeks, we ping 'em with another e-mail. This seems to have taken some pain out of the transition, still looking for more to ease that.
  • TD's now have the option of only receiving the first registration e-mail for the team. Or they can get it and every roster update e-mail for each team.

· GRC Report

    • Scramble at Straight Down
      • Filled; lots of last minute sign-ups
      • Tom Sweeney helping Jonah set up online registration for scrambles
    • December scrambles coming up at LSHS
      • 5 RCO C to test out this format
      • 5 womens
      • 5 mens
    • November Clinic was cancelled
    • Chet worried that lower level tourneys are not filling
      • Jeff S and Dan C will continue looking into ways of coordinating this
      • Lynn will help find some women

· Bylaws Committee Report

    • Members will submit suggestions to Sam/Tom if they are having trouble with the wiki

Old Business

· Approval of past minutes

    • Already done via email
    • Jeff S motions to approve
      • Dan C seconds
      • For: Jeffry, Sam, Chuck, Lynn, Dan, Jeff S
      • All others abstained

· Jonah Motions that from here on out, all new Yankee Member sign ups are choosing to opt-in for Yankee newsletter

    • Jeff S seconds
    • For: Unanimous

· Championships

    • Reviewing Chet’s Questions
    • B-/B women’s net with BR attack
    • C-/C/C+ No BR attack, women’s
    • Jeff S motions to allow BR attack on a Womens net for C-/C/C+ levels at Championships
      • Mark Seconds the motion
      • For: Jeff Sinnamon, Jonah Mytro
      • Against: The Rest!
    • Should we extend ratings freeze to April 1?
      • Will discuss at next board meeting

· Rick Pierce

    • Coming up Dec 15/16 weekend
    • Need a Rick Pierce Committee to pick Men’s and Women’s Award
    • Jonah nominates Lynn to head this committee
      • Lynn nominates Mark Archibald
      • Lynn and Mark will choose a Yankee member outside of the board to join the committee
    • Committee is responsible to promote it and choose winner and assure their attendance at event

· 2007-2008 Budget Review

    • Jonah talked through it
    • Board will vote on at December meeting

· Stipend Adjustments – Effective as of Aug 1, 2007

    • Jeff S motions to pass suggested one-time registrar stipend bonus
      • Sam Seconds
      • For: Unanimous
    • Jonah motions to pass suggested (from budget proposal) increase in bookkeeper stipend
      • Dan seconds
      • For: Dan, Lynn, Mark, Jeffry, Jonah, Sam
      • Abstain: Jeff
    • Jeff motioned approved Ref Assignor Increase
      • Jonah Seconds
      • For: Unanimous
    • Newsletter/Blog stipend tabled to next meeting

· Tournament Issues since last Board Meeting

    • 1 publicized referee incident
      • Referee has apologized and followed up
      • Steve Webster has taken care of things
    • 1 publicized player incident
      • Yellow or Red Cards should be reported in TD reports
        • Jonah will remind TDs
      • Verbal warnings will go out to players involved

New Business for Next Meeting

· Discuss Change of Ratings Freeze

· Newsletter/Blog stipend(s)

· Hayson Group decision

o Lynn will pass Board questions/answers to/from Jay Carroll until next meeting

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mens and Womens Ratings Updates

The following players have been re-rated and their new rating will be in effect form the date they receive a rating letter.

Mens Changes
Josh Shepherd B+ to A-
Jacob Layden, B+ > A-
Drew Corwin B to B+
Matt Pappa B- > B
Jesse Eckstrom B- > B
Ed Moore B > B+
Nhut Chau B > B+
Leonardo Rodriguez B- > B
Sisa Alcantara C+ > B
Adam Kelsey B+ to B
Matt Hanlon B- > B
Women Changes
Heather Abramo C+
Molly Coeling C+
Jessica DeGrace C+
Meghan Farrell C+
Karen Gates B-
Hannah Johnson C+
Sarah Johnson C+
Sheila Jonesy C
Sophia McCarthy C
Ly Ngyen C-
Stephanie Oliveira C-
Kathy Riley B-
Beth Rountree C
Katie Spriegel C
Lisa Tuttle C-
Deidre Williams B-
Elizabeth Wright C+

Friday, November 16, 2007

Beach Volleyball Tournaments in Clearwater FL

It may seem like the beach volleyball season is over but it is not true.
East End Volleyball is returning to Florida for the 2nd Annual Winter Series at Club V

$1,000 Cash Prizes every weekend
Doubles, 4 & 6-player teams
Presented by Native Eyewear

Site: Clearwater, FL, at Club V Beach: See review of the facility at end of page.

Online Registration:
Please pre-register to speed up registration!!! We are limited to 18 courts

1/12-13: MLK Day Weekend

Prize Money: Look for a big increase in the Jan 12-13 Tournament to be announced later.
Men & Women’s Open $500 every Saturday
Merchandise in all other divisions

All results count towards EEVB’s 2008 $15,000 AVPNext Wilson Grand Prix

It’s Time for a Winter Volleyball Vacation!!

Times: Saturday check in at 8 to 8:30 am
Sunday 9 to 9:30 am

Sat: MO ($500), WO ($500), MAA, MA, MB, WAA, WA, WB

Sun: CO, CA, CB & MAA, Junior doubles (for boys and girls 18 & under and 15 & under)

4-player (any gender) & Coed 6s (minimum 1 female)

Prize Money Breakdown

Notes: Divisions with less than 8 teams may be merged with other divisions at tournament director’s discretion

Merged divisions will still have playoff for Grand Prix pts.

Prizes awarded to top 4 teams in each division (3 teams in divisions with less than 8 teams

MO, MAA, MA, MB, WO, WAA, WA all receive EEVB Championship Pool Pts.

Format: Men’s Open double elimination AVP Cross Over

All other divisions: Pool play, followed by single elimination playoffs.

Fees: Doubles $60/team

4-player teams $75, 6-players $75

No Parking fees at Club V!!!

AVPNext Memberships: $10/player; required of all players. Membership covers 1 calendar year from 1/1 to 12/31, AVPNext online registration, then bring your new membership confirmation email to the registration table

Directions: The complex is located on the East side of US 19 between 126th Avenue and Ulmerton road at (12901 U.S. Highway 19 North) in Clearwater.

Saturday Night Players’ Party: TBA: 2 complimentary beers and food for all players
Hotel: Use EEVB Expedia link.

Sponsors: Caribbean Tourism Organization; Native Eyewear, Venus Swimwear, Iron Horse Bikes, Atlantic City Convention & Visitor’s Authority, VolleyChick, Vincere Sand Socks, Spike Nashbar, Sweet Tomatoes, Rider Sandals, Park & Sun net systems, Dig Magazine, 6 Flags Great Adventure/Hurricane Harbor, Volleyball Magazine, Sportime

Saturday Night Players’ Party: TBA

Monday, November 12, 2007

Girls State Tournament 2007

The Massachusetts girls state tournament will host the regionals and finals for division 1, 2, and 3 this week through out the state.

Division 1

Semi 1- Andover vs. Barstable (Milton HS) 11/14 - 7pm
Semi 2- N Quincy vs. Milford HS (Ashland HS) 11/13 7pm
Finals - 11/17 6pm Hudson HS

Division 2
Semi 1 - Central Catholic vs. Bourne (Milton HS) 11/13 7pm
Semi 2 - Westboro vs. Longmeadow (Marlboro HS) 11/13 7pm
Finals - 11/17 3pm Hudson HS

Division 3
Semi 1 - N Reading vs. Ursuline (Walpole HS) 11/13 7pm
Semi 2 - Millis vs. Frontier (Marlboro HS) 11/13 4pm
Finals - 11/17 12pm Hudson HS

Visit for more details

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

AVPNext/Wilson Nationals: Results

The AVPNext/Wilson National Championships were held in Clearwater Beach, FL on Oct 20-21. Hosted by East end Volleyball, it was the largest tournament ever in EEVB's 30 year history. Over 240 teams form 20 states and Canada participated in 12 Adult and junior Divisions. Teams were awarded $5,800 in cash prizes plus Wilson Volleyballs, Native Eyewear Sunglasses, Rider Sandals, dinner at Sweet Tomatoes and Spike gift certificates. Players also earned double points in the $15,000 AVPNext/Wilson Grand Prix.

In the Men's Open Division Florida's Matt Henderson and Joey Cash defeated California's AJ Mihalic and Florida's Dana Camacho. Mike DiPierro, playing with Steve Grotowski from the Great Britain National Beach Volleyball Program, finished third wrapping up the Grand Prix Title and $1,000 1st place prize money for DiPierro. The other 3rd place team was Mark and Steve Van Zwieten.

The Women's Open Division was won by Florida's Tara Kuk and Kim Whitney, the best women's team on the East Coast, defeated Chara Harris and Brooke Langston, also from Florida. Third place went to S. Carolina's Vicki Vega/Lindsay Rust and Ola Wolak (NJ)/Iwona Lodzik (IL).

This tournament was truly a National Championship with players arriving from throughout the US and Canada to compete on the silky white sand of Clearwater Beach. Perusing the results shows that players from 17 states and Canada took prizes home with them at the end of the competitive weekend.

AVPNext, Wilson Sporting Goods and East End Volleyball have contributed $15,000 for a season long Grand Prix competition. Players have earned points all season long with the top players sharing the prize money at the conclusion of the 2007 season. Nine of the top 20 Men's Open players competed in the Nationals. Mike DiPierro was able to fight off Matt Henderson and win the $1,000 1st place prize even though Henderson won the National title. DiPierro's 3rd place finish gave him just enough points to lock up the season-long Grand Prix Championship.

In the Women's Open Grand Prix, 13 of the top 20 players competed in the Nationals. Rebecca smith was able to maintain 1st place ahead of her twin sister Rachel and the hard charging Tara Kuk.

The social highlight of the weekend was the Saturday Evening Bud Light Player's Party held at Shephard's Bach Resort, a very hot spot in the Florida nightlife scene. Close to 200 players came to the party to feast on complimentary Bud Light's and a food buffet supplied by Shephard's. The party went late into the Florida evening resulting in some slower play in the Sunday coed division.

Player's flew and drove out of Clearwater beach Sunday October 21 all looking forward to the 2008 Nationals which are tentatively planned for a return visit to Clearwater. All players should make sure they join AVPNext during the 2008 season to be eligible to compete in 2008 AVPNext/Wilson National Championships and $15,000 Grand Prix. For further info go to and click on Volleyball Nation.

Men's Open
1 Joey Cash/Matt Henderson FL
2 Anthony Mihalic/Dana Camacho CA/FL

3 Steve Grotowski/Michael DiPierro FL

3 Mark Vanzwieten/stephen vanzwieten FL

Men's AA

Jon Sundquist

Mark Higginson
Mike Sandeman

Peter Kopach
Pavel Nikulin

Kevan Enger
Stephen Krohn

Men's A
Dan Paynter
Luke Otto
Josh Teague
Jason Kolczak
Thomas Pucci
Steven Choi
Ewan Brand
Bert Gideons

Men's B
Chris Lucina
Jonathan Jennings
Sara Bullock
BJ Whittington
Tina Jichi
Hussein Mourtada
Tobias Vigil
Jennifer Paravati

Women's Open
Tara Kuk
Kimberly Whitney
Chara Harris
Brooke Langston
Vicki Vega
Lindsay Rust
Aleksandra Wolak
Iwona Lodzik

Women's AA
Lisa Ekmekjian
Linda Capizzi
Joyce Neilan
Terri Stripling
Kristen Marshall
Amy Shaker
veronique paquin
jennifer dupuis

Larissa Lang
Monika Carbochova

Women's A
Joanna Jockish
Sharilee Doty
Monica McCoy
Catherine Collins
Dena Dahlquist
Erin Harvey

Women's B
Atara Oven
Jessica Oven
Amanda Evans
Brooke Long
Joanivette Negron
Falon Hendrick

Co-ed Open
Mike Kuk
Lisa Ekmekjian
Tiffany Snow
Jim O'Brien
Rachel Reichard
Mike Floyd
Mary Wilson
jeffrey bleitz

Co-ed A
Ami Gideons
Bert Gideons
Melissa Perkins
Nate Davis
Steve Hoeman
Scott Bragan
Erica Bragan

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Scrambles - Save $10 - Bring a new player

As an incentive to bring new members into Yankee, anyone who plays in a scramble can bring up to 2 new players (who are not on the 5 year list) and get $10 off per player. The maximum discount offered will be $20. Yankee will run 3 more scramble and 1 clinic this session.

November 11th, Lasell College

10-Nov SDVC (Clinton, MA) - Mens and Womens
9-Dec LSHS (Sudbury, MA) - Mens, Womens, and Reverse Coed(BR attack allowed)
12-Jan Bryant University (Smithfield, RI) - Mens, Womens, and Reverse Coed(BR attack allowed)

Board Meeting Minutes Oct 15th

Attendance: Samantha Lampert, Jonah Mytro, Jeff Sinnamon, Lynn Kerr, Chuck Blake, Jay Flynn, Daniel Chen
Confirmed No: Dave Castanon, Jeffry Powell, Tom Sweeney, Mark Archibald
Guests: Chet Oberhelman
Start time: 8:00pm
End time: 10:00pm

LOCATION: Mediaspike

Treasurer Report
Year end report $17,000 loss last year
avp costs, judy’s party, promotional items
Ultimate goal is to break even (we did that as there was a $16,000 “profit” from the year before)
Jonah will send out the budget to the board before next meeting

Registrar’s Report
Jonah from Judy
Goal is to be 10% over last year’s memberships

NERVA Report
No Dave!

Ratings Report
Ratings are finalized by Helen and Paul and sent to Tom and Judy
Helen is new women’s chair and sent her updated out two weeks ago
Paul Santos sent his ratings to Tom last week
They will go on web, on blog and to registrar
Jonah will ask chairs to put get the committee members email addresses posted on web
Regulations and standards
Ratings chairs know they have to submit the list for publishing to Yankee every two weeks

Blog Report/Email List
Jonah updates every other day
540 people signed up for Yankee Volleyball mailing list
Will start doing a monthly Enewsletter via mailing list (1st weekend of the month)

Web Editor Report
Add Tom’s Report
Option C, let TDs know they do need to double check the line-ups until this works itself out
Discussion of team registration
Can Tom add TD override so that TDs can enter teams (without details) – for the case that they get checks without teams registering online

GRC Report
Scrambles Update
2 at Bryant with 6 women’s teams and 5 men’s teams
11 new members
11 new members
Had women who wanted to play men’s scramble
Jonah did not let this happen so that there would be space for walk-ons
Recommendation to host coed scrambles
Will try to run this at LS scramble
Should think about offering “standyby registration” in case we’re short on players
Jonah to remind players that if they bring a new member to a scramble they get $10 off per member, up to 2 members (last year’s board voted on this)
Daniel would like TDs to promote the write-up sheet at the tournament and make sure the appropriate level raters are present
Jeffry’s Progress on collecting college program contact info
Submitted via email: About 25% complete on the list of college/club contact information
Will try to complete it before the end of D3 season.

Bylaws Committee Report
Will set up possible meeting to look through and will continue to encourage committee members to update

Old Business:

Approval of past minutes
Jeff motion to approve minutes, Jonah seconds, Unanimous approval
This was originally done over email, but done again in person this time.

Storage Unit
How do board members access if needed?
Jonah will give out keys, name of location and address

Old Meeting minutes
Sam has all that were missing, will go through them and get to Tom for posting

Championships – items to be discussed per Chet’s suggestions so we get all the planning done in advance.
We will run championships this year
Vote on Championship TD
Championship entry cost = - $140 last year should prob. go up to $150
Teams that do not make the min/max ratings can not play – should they be allowed to play and just not make playoffs
National Mapping
Uniform Numbers: championship guidelines change so that you cannot play if you do not have a proper number
Last year all tournaments were round robin
Teams that win regionals that are going to nationals get a cash stipend
No late starts, all must be present at captains meeting
Coed Reverse c, c-, c+ - would male br attacks be allowed?
Chet presented a tentative championships schedule for the month of May
If we set a check date then all checks are guaranteed a spot
Last year the information was released too late; so get it out faster this year to increase turnout
Sam will need to update the championship guidelines
Chet is available to TD championships again next year
Jonah motions that Chet should be the Championship TD, Jay seconded
For: Lynn, Daniel, Chuck, Jeff, Sam
Opposed: None
Jonah motions he gets the same stipend as last year, Jay seconded
For: Lynn, Daniel, Chuck, Jeff, Sam
Opposed: None

Stipend Adjustment
Sam – Share Emails on this with Board
Discussion ensues
Will table until after budget is out
Currently stipends go to Registrar, Assigner, Bookkeeper, Newsletter Editor/Publisher

Ratings Committee
Should there be a minimum number of tournaments that each rater should attend (Jeff)
Should raters be assigned to tournaments? (Sam)
We should make sure raters are currently active players. (Jay)
Jonah will check in with head raters to make sure all members of the ratings committee are still interested in their roles.

Yankee communication
Updated board on this month’s bavp communications

Tournament Directing and Related Topics
Online NERVA Registration Feedback
Online Team Registration Feedback
Adding Paypal to Team Registration page for teams that use it
Individual TDs can do this themselves
You cannot have a fee or surcharge via paypal as this is a MA state law…so be careful how you phrase charging for the paypal fee in addition to the tournament fee.
Tournament Director Check Cashing Policy Needed
One new TD cashed all his checks right away
Jonah has contacted that TD about that issue
Checks should not be cashed until the Thursday before the tournament
Jeff motions that you should cash checks no earlier than the Thursday before the tournament or later than 30 days after
Jonah seconds
For: Unamimous
Sam will add to TD guidelines document
Team Captain Incentive Program
Look into after the budget comes out
Reward for captaining multiple teams per session
Look into a way of combining individuals to make teams
Jeff volunteers to look into an electronic way of doing this

Complaints about the skeleton and suggestions for updates
Scrambles affect the lower levels, next year it will be changed back to 3 instead of 5
Will do less in the coming spring season

Board Meeting Locations
Next meeting will be at Lasell

Rules and Regulations
Sam is currently going through and updating; will send out revised document for discussion before next board meeting. We will hopefully vote and approve them at the next board meeting.

New Business

Next Meeting: Nov 19th, 7:30 pm at Lasell College

FenwayMarketingGroup update
Jonah met with them
They verified that 8 announcements were made over the weekend
They will be back in early July and want us to renew our sponsorship

Meeting Adjourned

Board Meeting Minutes,

Attendance: Samantha Lampert, Jonah Mytro, Jeff Sinnamon, Lynn Kerr, Chuck Blake, Jay Flynn, Daniel Chen
Confirmed No: Dave Castanon, Jeffry Powell, Tom Sweeney, Mark Archibald
Guests: Chet Oberhelman
Start time: 8:00pm
End time: 10:00pm

LOCATION: Jonah’s Office


Treasurer Report
Year end report $17,000 loss last year
avp costs, judy’s party, promotional items
Ultimate goal is to break even (we did that as there was a $16,000 “profit” from the year before)
Jonah will send out the budget to the board before next meeting

Registrar’s Report
Jonah from Judy
Goal is to be 10% over last year’s memberships

NERVA Report
No Dave!

Ratings Report
Ratings are finalized by Helen and Paul and sent to Tom and Judy
Helen is new women’s chair and sent her updated out two weeks ago
Paul Santos sent his ratings to Tom last week
They will go on web, on blog and to registrar
Jonah will ask chairs to put get the committee members email addresses posted on web
Regulations and standards
Ratings chairs know they have to submit the list for publishing to Yankee every two weeks

Blog Report/Email List
Jonah updates every other day
540 people signed up for Yankee Volleyball mailing list
Will start doing a monthly Enewsletter via mailing list (1st weekend of the month)

Web Editor Report
Add Tom’s Report
Option C, let TDs know they do need to double check the line-ups until this works itself out
Discussion of team registration
Can Tom add TD override so that TDs can enter teams (without details) – for the case that they get checks without teams registering online

GRC Report
Scrambles Update
2 at Bryant with 6 women’s teams and 5 men’s teams
11 new members
11 new members
Had women who wanted to play men’s scramble
Jonah did not let this happen so that there would be space for walk-ons
Recommendation to host coed scrambles
Will try to run this at LS scramble
Should think about offering “standyby registration” in case we’re short on players
Jonah to remind players that if they bring a new member to a scramble they get $10 off per member, up to 2 members (last year’s board voted on this)
Daniel would like TDs to promote the write-up sheet at the tournament and make sure the appropriate level raters are present
Jeffry’s Progress on collecting college program contact info
Submitted via email: About 25% complete on the list of college/club contact information
Will try to complete it before the end of D3 season.

Bylaws Committee Report
Will set up possible meeting to look through and will continue to encourage committee members to update

Old Business:

Approval of past minutes
Jeff motion to approve minutes, Jonah seconds, Unanimous approval
This was originally done over email, but done again in person this time.

Storage Unit
How do board members access if needed?
Jonah will give out keys, name of location and address

Old Meeting minutes
Sam has all that were missing, will go through them and get to Tom for posting

Championships – items to be discussed per Chet’s suggestions so we get all the planning done in advance.
We will run championships this year
Vote on Championship TD
Championship entry cost = - $140 last year should prob. go up to $150
Teams that do not make the min/max ratings can not play – should they be allowed to play and just not make playoffs
National Mapping
Uniform Numbers: championship guidelines change so that you cannot play if you do not have a proper number
Last year all tournaments were round robin
Teams that win regionals that are going to nationals get a cash stipend
No late starts, all must be present at captains meeting
Coed Reverse c, c-, c+ - would male br attacks be allowed?
Chet presented a tentative championships schedule for the month of May
If we set a check date then all checks are guaranteed a spot
Last year the information was released too late; so get it out faster this year to increase turnout
Sam will need to update the championship guidelines
Chet is available to TD championships again next year
Jonah motions that Chet should be the Championship TD, Jay seconded
For: Lynn, Daniel, Chuck, Jeff, Sam
Opposed: None
Jonah motions he gets the same stipend as last year, Jay seconded
For: Lynn, Daniel, Chuck, Jeff, Sam
Opposed: None

Stipend Adjustment
Sam – Share Emails on this with Board
Discussion ensues
Will table until after budget is out
Currently stipends go to Registrar, Assigner, Bookkeeper, Newsletter Editor/Publisher

Ratings Committee
Should there be a minimum number of tournaments that each rater should attend (Jeff)
Should raters be assigned to tournaments? (Sam)
We should make sure raters are currently active players. (Jay)
Jonah will check in with head raters to make sure all members of the ratings committee are still interested in their roles.

Yankee communication
Updated board on this month’s bavp communications

Tournament Directing and Related Topics
Online NERVA Registration Feedback
Online Team Registration Feedback
Adding Paypal to Team Registration page for teams that use it
Individual TDs can do this themselves
You cannot have a fee or surcharge via paypal as this is a MA state law…so be careful how you phrase charging for the paypal fee in addition to the tournament fee.
Tournament Director Check Cashing Policy Needed
One new TD cashed all his checks right away
Jonah has contacted that TD about that issue
Checks should not be cashed until the Thursday before the tournament
Jeff motions that you should cash checks no earlier than the Thursday before the tournament or later than 30 days after
Jonah seconds
For: Unamimous
Sam will add to TD guidelines document
Team Captain Incentive Program
Look into after the budget comes out
Reward for captaining multiple teams per session
Look into a way of combining individuals to make teams
Jeff volunteers to look into an electronic way of doing this

Complaints about the skeleton and suggestions for updates
Scrambles affect the lower levels, next year it will be changed back to 3 instead of 5
Will do less in the coming spring season

Board Meeting Locations
Next meeting will be at Lasell

Rules and Regulations
Sam is currently going through and updating; will send out revised document for discussion before next board meeting. We will hopefully vote and approve them at the next board meeting.

New Business

Next Meeting: Nov 19th, 7:30 pm at Lasell College

FenwayMarketingGroup update
Jonah met with them
They verified that 8 announcements were made over the weekend
They will be back in early July and want us to renew our sponsorship

Meeting Adjourned

Yankee Volleyball Clinic

Yankee Volleyball is running a mens and womens drills clinic on november 11th at Lasell College. Clinics run for 2.5 hours and give players training and coaching in all aspects of volleyball including passing, hitting, defense, blocking, setting, and serving.

The clinic will be run by collegiate and high school coaches and organized to help teach individuals skills as well as team philosophies.

The cost is $10/pp and all participants will be receiving a numbered Yankee jersey.

We will accept new and existing members rated C- to C+. Space is limited and we will be accepting 40 men and 40 women per session.

November 11th 2007
Mens Session - 11:30am - 2pm
Womens Session - 9am-11:30am
Location: Lasell College (Newton, MA)

Sign-up by sending a check for $10 to NERVA to:
Yankee Clinic
c/o Jonah Mytro
10 Scottfield RD #22
Allston MA 02134

Friday, October 12, 2007

Book on Volleyball Doubles

Winning Doubles: Mastering the Game Through Strategy and Training, is meant to bring players of all levels immediate improvements in their game. Using a series of strategies discussed nowhere else in any book currently on the market, Sangiacomo covers all aspects vital to a player's success on the doubles court.

Topics include:

* Finding the right partner
* Types of serves and serving strategy
* Adjusting to weather conditions
* Passing positioning and tips (beyond fundamentals)
* Setting Techniques
* Hitting different types of shots
* Defensive schemes and blocking
* Physical conditioning and strength training for optimum performance
* Mental conditioning and exercises to enhance your play
* Reference section and description of useful products
* Much, much more!

This book is a must read for any competitive player who aims to be in the winner's circle!

About the Author
For half of her life, Jennifer Sangiacomo has been a part of the game of volleyball. Through Division I collegiate coaching, playing at the highest level of outdoor grass doubles, officiating, promoting and organizing doubles events in the Northeast, Sangiacomo is involved of all aspects of the game. She has earned the reputation as a top-level doubles player and continues to win doubles tournaments at the open level in various states across the Northeast. Currently, she is an AVP promoter, running Capital District Grass Doubles and resides in New York.
Product Details

Buy the Book at

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

AVP NEXT Championships -

The 2007 $6,000 AVPNext/Wilson National Championships are just 10 days away in Clearwater Beach, FL. Space is limited and please register to confirm your spot in the AVP Next Championships.

Dates: October 20-21
Men’s Open Prize: $2,500 – 2 day tournament w/ final 4 playoffs Sunday
Women’s Open Prize: $2,500
MAA (Sat & Sunday): $200
WAA (Sat): $200
Coed Open Prize Money every Sunday: $200

Compete against top players from throughout the country!

Car Pooling is a necessity at this tournament. The City is remodeling the entire area and has taken out the 400 parking spots that used to run along the tournament site. Please car pool because parking spots will be very hard to find.

Official Hotel: Red Roof Inn, 421 South Gulfview Blvd., Clearwater Beach, Florida 33767
Toll Free 1-877-905-7663. Phone 727-447-3464: $68 per night, 2 night minimum

Saturday Night Player’s Party: Shephard's Backyard Tiki Bar: has gained world wide notoriety for its live Reggae and rock & roll music, bikini contests, and large crowds of fun loving people.

Players already registered who have qualified for an AVP Main Draw:
Florida: Mike DiPeirro, Tara Kuk, Kim Whitney, Chara Harris, Steve Grotowski, Dana Camacho
California: Beth Van Fleet, AJ Mihalic, Adam Jewell,
NY: Jill Pickus, Dana Fiume
RI: Rachel Smith, Rebecca Smith
NJ: Ihor Akinshyn

AIRFARE: a recent check of airfares on the EEVB Expedia Link at yielded the following round trip plane tickets:

JFK or LaGuardia to Tampa: $158
Newark, NJ to Tampa: $238
Islip, NY to Tampa: $287
Philadelphia to Tampa: $250
DC to Tampa: $200
Newport News to Tampa: $192
Providence to Tampa: $293
Chicago to Tampa: $218
LA to Tampa: $324
Charleston SC to Tampa: $320

Upcoming EEVB Schedule:

October 13-14
Siesta Key, FL

October 20-21

$5,800 AVPNext/Wilson Nationals

Caribbean Qualifier
Clearwater Beach, FL
$2,500* + PR Trip

November 3-4
Isle Verde, Puerto Rico

December 1-2
Club V, Clearwater, FL

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Passing and Digging Volleyball Clinic -

Boston Ski and Sports Club is hosting a Passing and Digging Clinic (all levels) on October 21st at West Newton Armory in Newton, MA. The clinic will be run by Tom Wilson, an A- Yankee player and the Assistant Womens Volleyball Coach at Wellesley College.

Participants will learn technique and proper form for digging and passing as well as the following:

Court positioning, Footwork, Body position, Forearm and overhand digging,
Emergency plays

Forearm Passing:
Footwork, Body position, Arm and Hand position

Hand Passing:
Footwork, Body position, Arm and Hand position

Sunday, October 21
9:30am - 12:00pm
West Newton Armory
Head clinician: Tom Wilson

Pre-register by 5pm the Friday before to get the best price:
$25 for BSSC members for all clinics. Non-members pay an additional
$10. Walk-on space is sometimes available for an additional $15,
regardless of BSSC membership.

To Register, contact Laura Nelson at or 617/789-4070.

Upcoming BSSC clinics:
Sun 11/11, 6:30pm - 9:00pm -- Hitting and Blocking (all levels)
Sun 11/18, 6:30pm - 9:00pm -- Setting (all levels)
Sun 12/16, 9:30am - 12:00pm -- Advanced Hitting

Monday, October 8, 2007

OCTOBER Volleyball Events

To register for a tournament, send a check to the tournament director and submit your roster to the Yankee Roster page. Your team is not confirmed until the TD has confirmed your team on the Yankee website. If you need to find players to play, send out an email to the Boston Volleyball Group.

10/6/2007 Womens C SDVC $150
10/7/2007 Mens B- LSC $150
10/13/2007 Mens B+ SDVC $150
10/13/2007 Womens B- SDVC $150
10/14/2007 Mens B- MIT $150
10/14/2007 RCO B MIT $150
10/20/2007 Mens B+ LSHS $150
10/20/2007 Mens B- RAC $150
10/20/2007 Womens B- RAC $150
10/20/2007 CR C LSHS $160
10/21/2007 Mens C+ REG $150
10/21/2007 Womens C+ REG $150
10/21/2007 RCO B RAC $150
10/21/2007 CR C RAC $150
10/27/2007 Mens B RAC $150
10/27/2007 Mens C- SDVC $150
10/27/2007 Womens C RAC $150
10/28/2007 Mens C+ WBRO $150
10/28/2007 Womens B- WNA $150
10/28/2007 Womens C+ WBRO $150
10/28/2007 Womens C- WNA $150
10/28/2007 RCO B REG $150

Next Yankee Board Meeting
October 15th, 2007 - Brookline, MA 7:30pm

Next Yankee Scramble
October 14th, 2007 - Regis College, Weston MA

AVP Boston Update

I met with the management team at Fenway Marketing Group (FMG), the organization that owns the rights to the AVP Boston Event and they gave me an update on the event and their plans for next year.

The event which ran from August 17-20 at Marina Bay (Quincy, MA) was a huge success and attendance exceeded expectations from both the AVP and FMG. There were over 3500 people in attendance at each of the finals event on Saturday and Sunday.

FMG is renewing its agreement with the AVP and they are planning to bring the event back to Quincy in mid July next year and are working to add another tour location in Newport, RI in late August (still in discussion so no details as of yet).

If addition to the AVP event, Yankee Volleyball is in discussion with FMG and the AVP to run either an exhibition or clinic event prior to Friday's competition in Boston. This would be an event targeted to the Yankee membership and as details are finalized, you will be informed about them.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Womens Rating Changes - October

The following women have been re-rated as of October 1st, 2007.
They should have received a letter stating their new ratings.

The mens rating updates should be released in the next week or so.

Hilary Anderson B-
Doree Blanco B
Liz Bonfanti B-
Gergana Bounova C
Janelle Carbone B-
Pamela Comey C+
Caitlin Costi B-
Sara Crandall B
Susan Davis B-
Delavane Diaz B
Katrina Ellison B
Linda Ferencko C+
Sonja Grizzle B+
Emily Groth B+
Jean Gullickson B
Melissa Hoberg C
Lynn Jones C+
Holly Kee B
Kelly Leary C+
Melissa Legare C
Dana Levit C+
Heather Locke B
Janka Lopato B+
Lindsay Marshall C+
Maggie Mohrfeld B
Alyssa Morris B+
Deb Pidgeon C
Beth Parkhurst C
Josie Perreira C
Marcia Quinton C
Rebecca Rose C+
Chelsea Ruff C-
Jodi Seewald C
Lindsey Ster B
Amanda Stowe C+
Amy Tarte B
Kathy Testa B-
Rita Vining C
Jackie Walsh B
Katherine White B-
Amy Wibel C
Kristen Wynus B

Monday, October 1, 2007 Headed Indoors for "WINTER NIGHT TOUR"

Heat it up this winter with the AVP Hot Winter Nights Tour

When it is freezing outside, we will bring the beach indoors, crank up the heat
and throw a sexy, beach party "AVP style" with top AVP athletes and the hottest
action on the sand and in the stands!

Thu., Jan. 10 Oklahoma City, OK Ford Center Arena Tickets
Fri., Jan. 11 St. Louis, MO Scottrade Center Tickets
Sat., Jan. 12 Kansas City, MO Sprint Center Tickets
Thu., Jan. 17 Milwaukee, WI Bradley Center Tickets
Fri., Jan. 18 Madison, WI Alliant Energy Center Tickets
Sat., Jan. 19 La Crosse, WI La Crosse Center Tickets
Thu., Jan. 24 Minneapolis, MN Target Center Tickets
Sat., Jan. 26 Columbus, OH Nationwide Arena Tickets
Wed., Jan. 30 Albany, NY Times Union Center Tickets
Thu., Jan. 31 Trenton, NJ Sovereign Bank Arena Tickets
Fri., Feb. 1 Norfolk, VA Constant Convocation Center Tickets
Sat., Feb. 2 Charlottesville, VA John Paul Jones Arena Tickets
Thu., Feb. 7 Omaha, NE Qwest Center Tickets
Fri., Feb. 8 Rosemont, IL AllState Arena Tickets
Sat., Feb. 9 Bloomington, IL US Cellular Arena Tickets
Wed., Feb. 13 Spokane, WA Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena Tickets
Thu., Feb. 14 Everett, WA Everett Event Center Tickets
Sat., Feb. 16 Portland, OR Rose Quarter Tickets
Sat., Feb. 23 Las Vegas, NV Orleans Arena

Complete Tour Schedule

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Funny Volleyball Video

Watch this video, you will get a laugh out of it...and you might learn something about volleyball..

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Yankee Board Minutes

Yankee Board Meeting Agenda

Monday September 10, 7:30pm

Location: Media Room, Zesiger Athletics Center, MIT, Cambridge, MA

Confirmed Attendance:

Board: Jonah, Sam, Jay

At-Large: Jeffry Powell, Chuck Blake, Daniel Chen

Guests: Don Cohen, Dave Castanon (late)

Accept Minutes from last meeting – done via email before posting to

Unanimous Vote to Accept Minutes

Start time: 7:50 pm

End time: 9:00 pm

Treasurer Report

*No updated financials, spent money on AVP and haven’t spent any money yet, fiscal year ends Aug 31st

Registrar’s Report

*Online form is live

*1st tourney is Sep 23

NERVA Report

(Dave will be late)

  • Registration Online, and there ARE bugs in the system
    • Our fiscal year is diff. from USAV, there is a couple months lag; our memberships do not renew until Nov 1 for USAV
    • Insurance is not an issue, as new members are added immediately
    • You’ll get an acknowledgement you are a member until ’07; and then another in November that you are a member for ‘08
    • Can sign waiver online using your license number…but you don’t have to as Yankee will still require hand-written signature on code-of-conduct
      • Next year will likely be able to do all electronically (including sign-up and payment and waivers)
  • USAV National meetings are coming up Columbus Day Weekend
    • Dave will bring up any of NERVA’s concerns regarding online sign-ups
  • Interested in 2010 Nationals but can’t get a bid package from USAV
    • Need to find out the information that we need to eventually be allowed to bid to them
    • Tried approaching Atlanta to see what they had to do to get their bid
    • Dave will confront USAV about it at the National Meeting

Ratings Report

*Helen Taylor is the new head rater

*Reports out every 2 weeks

**Will expand raters per last meeting’s vote

Newsletter/Email Report

*Moved to a blog, 2200 views, 1300 uniques

*Jonah updates almost everyday

*Using Constant Contact as Email

**468 Email addresses (250 from AVP)

**1st email re: scramble – 50% open rate, 18 click-throughs to Yankee website

**Jonah can make blog and email stats available

Web Editor Report

*Read by Sam as submitted by Tom via Email

**Our domain has been moved from to under Joshua Wachs account there. We've changed from a windows based server to a linux based server. This should prove to be faster and hopefully we'll have less of the support issues we've had at readyhosting the past year. Also the cost will be a lot less. The move went relatively well. The two unplanned hitches that we've run into:
***Casing is important in directory names on Linux. A number of our links were failing as the new server thinks and are different directories and the old server thought they were the same. I believe all of those have been chased down.
***ASP pages are not supported. We've used ASP for the schedule pages, roster system, referee tests, clinics, accred tests, voting, etc. Almost every page that requested input from the user. However, the new site supports PHP and that tends to be more widely used. I've converted the time critical pages to php (schedule and rosters system), still have a few more to go. Of particular import, I've got to change the TD roster printing page and the TD reports form. Both should be done by the end of the week.
**The fall schedule was posted to the site on Friday night. The registration/roster system was converted to php and loaded up over the weekend, opening up Sunday evening.
**The NCAA/PAVO referee tests are cranking along. The USAV referee tests have been coded up and are being tested. The USAV scorekeepers test just came in recently and will also be webified shortly. All of the USAV tests should be up on 10/15.

GRC Report

*Committee is: Daniel, Jeffry, Jonah, Mark

*AVP, 5 scrambles, 1 clinic

**Scrambles every 4-5 weeks

**MC, WC, MB (may change MB to RCB)

*Giving out postcards at scrambles (leftover from AVP)

*Collecting email for Yankee mailing list

*Don Cohen: What is GRC doing for upper level players?

**discount for college teams

**Yankee is not reaching for – or retaining higher level players

**Go through coaches or NECVL to let their players know of our opportunities

**Also promote refereeing opportunities to college players

***Need to put together a list of coach’s email addresses – Jeffry will do this for NCAA varsity/club women’s teams and then men’s club then men’s varsity

  • Old Business:

  1. Yankee Presence at AVP Recap
    • 2500 promo items given away; collected 250 email addresses
    • 25 volunteers worked over the weekend
    • Didn’t get PA announcements, didn’t get water at booth over weekend
    • Jonah won’t pay until he hears back from Fenway Group
    • What will we do next year to drive players to our booth?
    • Get JO’s involved (sam)
      • Get AVP player’s involved in our booth (Don)
      • Get there early to choose booths, they were not assigned (Jonah)
      • Ask for an original, better location – perhaps by players tent for next year

  1. Logo Update
    • New logo up on website/blog, check it out.

  1. Storage Unit

· Keys will go to all board members that want them

· In Brighton, balls, shirts, etc are in there now

    • Jonah motioned, Jay Second,
    • Motion Passes YES: Chuck, Jeffry, Dan, Lynn, Sam, Jeff S

  1. New Ratings Chairs and Committee Members

· Helen Taylor accepted

· Helen appointed Dana Levit is new to the committee

  1. Tournament Reporting

· TDs must enter all their completed tourney info into the system

· Create a new tag for RCO tournaments; handle cancelled tournaments differently

· Jonah talked to TDs at draft

  1. Updates to Yankee Rules and Regulations Documents

· Historic

· New Uniform Change Rules

· Jonah will forward 2005-2007 meeting notes to Sam

  1. ByLaws Committee Update

· Sam will send out wiki link to board members; uname/pword

  1. Yankee Mailing List Update

· See above

  1. Raters

· What will the minimum number of tournaments attended be for a rater to stay a rater? (Jeff S)

o Raters/System is not in bylaws and is available to be changed

o Person in charge of changing ratings should be at those level tourneys (Jeffry)

o Having one person in charge helps provide a pathway and order (Jay)

o Raters have no power except to report back to head rater; they can only do instant re-rates on new players

o Head rater must be more administrative (Don)

· People want more raters because there have been zero raters at many tourneys (Jeffry)

· Will table this until next meeting when Jeff is here

· President is free to reform this as he sees fit

o Don suggests head rater at each main level

Any New Business:


  • Next Meeting: Lasell College, Room 101, Newton MA - 10/15 7:30 p.m.